


Feature #370 ยป number_labels.patch

antonic901, 13/02/2023 08:34 PM

View differences:

xbmc/guilib/GUIInfoTypes.cpp (working copy)
return m_info.size() == 0 || (m_info.size() == 1 && m_info[0].m_info == 0);
typedef CStdString (*StringReplacerFunc) (const CStdString &str);
void ReplaceString(CStdString &work, const std::string &str, StringReplacerFunc func)
// Replace all $str[number] with the real string
size_t pos1 = work.find("$" + str + "[");
while (pos1 != std::string::npos)
size_t pos2 = pos1 + str.length() + 2;
size_t pos3 = StringUtils::FindEndBracket(work, '[', ']', pos2);
if (pos3 != std::string::npos)
CStdString left = work.substr(0, pos1);
CStdString right = work.substr(pos3 + 1);
CStdString replace = func(work.substr(pos2, pos3 - pos2));
work = left + replace + right;
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Error parsing label - missing ']' in \"%s\"", work.c_str());
pos1 = work.find("$" + str + "[", pos1);
CStdString LocalizeReplacer(const CStdString &str)
CStdString replace = g_localizeStringsTemp.Get(atoi(str.c_str()));
if (replace == "")
replace = g_localizeStrings.Get(atoi(str.c_str()));
return replace;
CStdString AddonReplacer(const CStdString &str)
// assumes " #####"
size_t length = str.find(" ");
CStdString id = str.substr(0, length);
int stringid = atoi(str.substr(length + 1).c_str());
return g_localizeStringsTemp.Get(stringid);
CStdString NumberReplacer(const CStdString &str)
return str;
CStdString CGUIInfoLabel::ReplaceLocalize(const CStdString &label)
CStdString work(label);
// Replace all $LOCALIZE[number] with the real string
int pos1 = work.Find("$LOCALIZE[");
while (pos1 >= 0)
int pos2 = StringUtils::FindEndBracket(work, '[', ']', pos1 + 10);
if (pos2 > pos1)
CStdString left = work.Left(pos1);
CStdString right = work.Mid(pos2 + 1);
CStdString replace = g_localizeStringsTemp.Get(atoi(work.Mid(pos1 + 10).c_str()));
if (replace == "")
replace = g_localizeStrings.Get(atoi(work.Mid(pos1 + 10).c_str()));
work = left + replace + right;
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Error parsing label - missing ']' in \"%s\"", label.c_str());
return "";
pos1 = work.Find("$LOCALIZE[", pos1);
ReplaceString(work, "LOCALIZE", LocalizeReplacer);
ReplaceString(work, "NUMBER", NumberReplacer);
return work;
CStdString CGUIInfoLabel::ReplaceAddonStrings(const CStdString &label)
CStdString work(label);
//FIXME why not use RE here?
// Replace all $ADDON[id number] with the real string
int pos1 = work.Find("$ADDON[");
while (pos1 >= 0)
int pos2 = StringUtils::FindEndBracket(work, '[', ']', pos1 + 7);
if (pos2 > pos1)
CStdString left = work.Left(pos1);
CStdString right = work.Mid(pos2 + 1);
int length = work.Find(" ", pos1 + 7) - (pos1 + 7);
CStdString id = work.substr(pos1+7, length);
int stringid = atoi(work.substr(pos1+7+id.length()+1, 5).c_str());
CStdString replace = g_localizeStringsTemp.Get(stringid);
work = left + replace + right;
CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Error parsing label - missing ']' in \"%s\"", label.c_str());
return "";
pos1 = work.Find("$ADDON[", pos1);
ReplaceString(work, "ADDON", AddonReplacer);
return work;