



Bug #160


reading media files from a smb:// server

Added by badwulf almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

File System (Local/Network)
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As of the last few months I've noticed that shows I have shared thru 2 large external hard drives have not been showing up in XBMC or the "File Manager" part. It will show a lot of data, but episodes of whole seasons will just not show up. I've checked that they are in existance on the windows 7 machine they are shared off of, but no change in XBMC they just don't show up. It's a very strange thing as it's obviously not a naming convention as similar files show up fine. I've only really experienced this in the last few months. The thing that is strange is I can move one said file to another place and it will show up. Now I don't use the "Library" feature, but it's almost as if these files need to be scanned and added as new. which is strange too because most of what I'm looking at has been on the HDD's for quite some time and have showed before. Hope the description makes sence. I use constant SVN build updates and no change as of yet.

Actions #1

Updated by neo369 almost 14 years ago

I have experienced a similar problem before. Sometimes when you add new files to a shared folder, those files do not share properly. Setting the folder to not be shared, and then resharing it sometimes solves this issue.
Not sure if this is exactly your problem, but worth a try.

Actions #2

Updated by badwulf almost 14 years ago

sometimes the files show up and disappear, but i keep trying and finally they show up. It's very strange. There is no rhyme nor reason or reason for it. UPNP locks up all the time too.

Actions #3

Updated by badwulf almost 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to invalid

After some research it seems that anyone using Avast ver. 6.0.1000 was having this problem. There is now an update for Avast and all is well. You gotta love stuff like this. I have been wracking my brain for 2 weeks on this one.


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