Bug #217
closedIMDB Scraper Function for option "Enable full cast credits"
More Details in this thread:
The imdb.xml in the common folder is missing a function for fetching the
"Full cast credits" when this option is enabled in the IMDB scraper.
The result, if this option is used, is no CAST is fetched.
Per default, this option is disabled.
As a solution, a new function GetIMDBFullCast has been introduced to the file.
The function was taken from the XBMC mainline where it is named ParseIMDBFullCast.
The DIFFs for the 2 updated files against the ones delivered with the
3.2 release (same as the most recent ones on the trunk).
The DIFFs are also attached as files.
File: system/scrapers/video/common/imdb.xml
diff XBMC4XBOX-3.2-STABLE/system/scrapers/video/common/imdb.xml Update/system/scrapers/video/common/imdb.xml
<GetIMDBFullCast dest="5">
<RegExp input="$$2" output="<details>\1</details>" dest="5">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="\1" dest="6">
<expression noclean="1"><table class="cast">(.*?)</table></expression>
<RegExp input="$$6" output="<actor><thumb>\1_SX512_SY512_\2</thumb><name>\3</name><role>\5</role></actor>" dest="7">
<expression repeat="yes" clear="yes" fixchars="3,5" trim="3,5" noclean="1,2"><img src="(?:([^"]*\.)[^"]*(\.jpg))?[^>]*[^"]*"nm"><a href="[^"]*[^>]*>([^<]*)<[^"]*"ddd">([^<]<)?[^"]*"char">(.*?)</td></expression>
<RegExp input="$$7" output="<actor><thumb>\1</thumb>\2</actor>" dest="2+">
<expression repeat="yes" clear="yes" noclean="1,2,3"><actor><thumb>(?:(http.*?)|_SX[0-9]+_SY[0-9]+_)</thumb>(.*?)</actor></expression>
<expression noclean="1" />
Furthermore, the imdb.xml of the scraper has been updated to use the function in case
the option is enabled.
File: system/scrapers/video/imdb.xml
diff XBMC4XBOX-3.2-STABLE/system/scrapers/video/imdb.xml Update/system/scrapers/video/imdb.xml
< <RegExp conditional="fullcredits" input="$$2" output="<url cache="$$2-fullcredits.html" function="GetIMDBCast">$$3fullcredits</url>" dest="5+">
<RegExp conditional="fullcredits" input="$$2" output="<url cache="$$2-fullcredits.html" function="GetIMDBFullCast">$$3fullcredits</url>" dest="5+">
I have tested the moviescraper with both options (Full cast en- and disabled)
and everything seems to work fine now.