Bug #238
closedFix up svn_rev.h generation script issues with paths with spaces
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Fix up svn_rev.h generation script so it can handle it when xbmc4xbox source is installed to a path that contains a folder. Just needs some quotes etc.
user contributed a modified version. Need to diff / compare (it probably doesn't need to be as verbose with the comments either)
@echo off rem subwcrev is included in the tortoise svn client: REM == Assume this batch file is in the root of xbmc svn repo == SET CWD=%~dp0 REM == Quotes to handle paths with spaces == SET REV_FILE="%CWD%xbmc\xbox\svn_rev.h" SET SVN_TEMPLATE="%CWD%xbmc\xbox\svn_rev.tmpl" IF EXIST %REV_FILE% del %REV_FILE% SET SUBWCREV="" IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\TortoiseSVN\bin\subwcrev.exe" SET SUBWCREV="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\TortoiseSVN\bin\subwcrev.exe" IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\TortoiseSVN\bin\subwcrev.exe" SET SUBWCREV="%ProgramFiles%\TortoiseSVN\bin\subwcrev.exe" IF EXIST "%ProgramW6432%\TortoiseSVN\bin\subwcrev.exe" SET SUBWCREV="%ProgramW6432%\TortoiseSVN\bin\subwcrev.exe" IF NOT EXIST %SUBWCREV% ( ECHO subwcrev.exe not found in expected locations, skipping generation GOTO SKIPSUBWCREV ) %SUBWCREV% %SVN_TEMPLATE% %REV_FILE% -f REM == Generate the SVN revision header if it does not exist == IF NOT EXIST %REV_FILE% ( ECHO Generating SVN revision header from SVN repo %SUBWCREV% "%CWD%." %SVN_TEMPLATE% %REV_FILE% -f ) :SKIPSUBWCREV REM == Copy the default unknown revision header if the generation did not occur == IF NOT EXIST %REV_FILE% ( ECHO using default svn revision unknown header copy %CWD%xbmc\xbox\svn_rev.unknown %REV_FILE% ) SET REV_FILE= SET SUBWCREV=