



Bug #243


Addons4Xbox Installer Malfunction (Stable 3.3)

Added by byron over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Programs section
Target version:
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Due date:
% Done:


Affected Version:


First I noticed an issue with thumbs not loading, then did a bit of investigation...couldn't install "StreamAllThis" on Stable 3.3 --- So I tried to reproduce from 3.3 Beta (31793) and there were no problems.

3.3 Stable log

3.3 beta (31793) log

Actions #1

Updated by buzz over 11 years ago

it failed as it was unable to get the version of an already installed module. However as that module is not installed by default with xbmc4xbox, I can't rule out that something else partially installed it earlier and left it incomplete. So unfortunately there is not enough information here.

No doubt addons4xbox could be more resiliant if it cannot find something, but as it is a temporary (and incomplete) solution to installing addons, it is unlikely that this will improve, especially due to limited manpower.

Delete Q:\scripts\.modules\script.module.t0mm0.common and try and re-install.

Actions #2

Updated by byron over 11 years ago

Good call on deleting that module, that worked...but that was my mistake for posting that here instead of on the forum as it was a simple solution. I tried a fresh install of 3.3 stable and it installed that particular add-on with no issues (assuming all will install properly at that point), so that simply should have been omitted from this ticket.

However, the missing thumbs for all add-ons in our repo was the main reason for this ticket. I don't know what happened, but none of them are staying "visible" after they load. They show as they load and instantly disappear as the next one loads (maybe something will tell from the logs above). I'm not sure if something was changed in a4x, or possibly in the programs window...just thought you should know in case you weren't aware. It's definitely happening, even on a fresh install using confluence lite, and on my skin as well.

FWIW, I think a4x does a fine job. It's simple and efficient, not much else expected imho

Actions #3

Updated by buzz over 11 years ago

is this problem still present on the latest 3.3.3 ? there was an issue with thumbnailing for non jpg images that was since fixed so it could be related.

Actions #4

Updated by buzz over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to byron


Actions #5

Updated by byron over 11 years ago

Hey sorry, I must have missed your post...problem seems to be taken care of as of 3.3.3 - I'm installing the nighly (r32597) right now to see if it's working there as well.

Actions #6

Updated by byron over 11 years ago

Okay, confirmed working in the latest nightly as well.

Actions #7

Updated by buzz over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Target version set to 3.3.3
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Resolution set to fixed

yeh the patch is in trunk first then merged to the 3.3 branch. all good then closing. thanks for reporting - got to it eventually :)


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