Feature #323
closedQWERTY Keyboard for Confluence Lite
This patch adds a skin option to enable QWERTY keyboard on Confluence Lite.
Note: confluence_lite_patch_part3.diff patches the strings.po to add "Use QWERTY Keyboard". I dont know if patching is the correct way here...
Updated by tim619 over 10 years ago
Damn, on part1 and part3 it is declared as remove these lines but it should be add. (TortoiseSVN was harder to use than the tutorial said...)
Updated by buzz over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Your patches are reversed - they remove the option from a source with the changes, not add.
Please use tortoise svn and create a single patch against the latest revision in trunk using the instructions I provided on the forum, rather than manually diffing files. There is plenty of information around the net on this. Thanks.
Updated by buzz over 10 years ago
ok just seen your reply - so you already spotted the problem. Please try and use tortoise svn as mentioned before - you can find lots of tutorials on it around the net. Cheers.
Updated by tim619 over 10 years ago
Okay it seems that it worked although a runtime error appeared...
Updated by buzz over 10 years ago
- Category set to User Interface
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
added in r32969 - thanks. I had to fix up the onleft/onright, and I changed the string id to another value which should leave it out the way of any future confluence lite updates from upstream.