



Feature #330


Change/Add button for movie information in library mode

Added by tim619 over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

User Interface
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When browsing my scraped movies in library mode I need to press white button -> film information
to open this window. I realised that in library mode a few buttons aren't defined. So it would be very
appreciated if one could have one button in library mode for opening film information directly instead of opening menu first.

Note: on mainline there is on keyboard the "i" button to get what I ask for.

I would suggest set the menu which is now on white button to start button (atm not set) and the white button for movie information.

Actions #1

Updated by buzz over 10 years ago

You can configure a button to do this - look in system/keymaps

Actions #2

Updated by tim619 over 10 years ago

Okay thanks, I'll give it a try.

Actions #3

Updated by tim619 over 10 years ago

This should be as standard keymap in xbmc (I didnt change settings just added to buttons):


Actions #4

Updated by buzz over 10 years ago

I disagree - by default X switches between fullscreen - these files are meant to be customised, but I don't want to change the default controls behaviour. BTW you need to provide diffs against if wanting to contribute as mentioned before.

Actions #5

Updated by tim619 over 10 years ago

Ah yes, of course I forgot this overwrites the globals :\
The black button has no global value. The value set in MyVideoLibrary is Delete a movie from database.
This one is used very(!) rarely so I would say <black>Info</black>
If start is here possible I would like to see <start>ToggleWatched</start> because this is much more often used than Delete.

If you agree to first or both (black, black and start) I would make a patch file but these tools are on my other pc...

Actions #6

Updated by buzz over 10 years ago

I am reluctant to change default functionality for buttons that are already assigned as people will complain. Why not just keep a customised keymap for yourself ? That's what it is for - you can keep your custom keymap in userdata/keymaps etc. Feel free to ask on the forum for user opinions - it might sway me, but for now I am not keen on making these changes, especially at this stage in the development (there will be no more release candidates before the final release)

Actions #7

Updated by buzz over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to wontfix

I checked the forum thread. It would need a lot more users to want the button maps changed to convince me - and I haven't been. So I'm going to close this. Just keep your own button mapping in your userdata folder etc if you want it different.


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