



Bug #99


Python Script Errors

Added by paybac over 14 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Python Code and/or Scripts
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Affected Version:


Plugins and scripts gives errors using build 30555, think it was working fine around this point 30547.

Debug Log showing errors

Thanks Team

Actions #1

Updated by paybac over 14 years ago

Something to do wit windowsXML. To Scripts/plugins need to be updated or does xbmc need to revert back?

Actions #2

Updated by dandar3 over 14 years ago

Thanks paybac!

I would highlight the following lines in the xbmc.log - did the location for Window XMLs has changed?

Just wondering if something has changed in r30547 and like Payback said, I need to fix my plugin or this is a bug in XBMC, thanks.

08:36:01 M: 28356608    INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
08:36:01 M: 28356608   ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.TypeError
08:36:01 M: 28356608   ERROR: Error Contents: XML File for Window is missing
08:36:01 M: 28340224   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "Q:\plugins\programs\XBMC Zone Installer\", line 93, in ?
                                                gui = plugin.GUI( "xbmczone_addon_info.xml", os.getcwd(), "default" )
                                            [[TypeError]]: XML File for Window is missing
08:36:01 M: 28340224    INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--
Actions #3

Updated by arnova over 14 years ago

Weird, I recall seeing this regression before. Probably something needs to be additionally merged for this to work...

Actions #5

Updated by nuka1195 over 14 years ago

could be caused by that, make sure the script passes the default resolution now. it defaults to 720p. it should not error though, but may if the default resolution is PAL and you don't specify it.

Actions #6

Updated by buzz over 14 years ago

looking at that patch the resolution stuff doesn't seem related, as it looks more like its failing to find the window xml spec?

Actions #7

Updated by arnova over 14 years ago

Just tested on my PAL Xbox but I can't reproduce it on my PAL Xbox. I assume it has something to do with running an Xbox in 720p?

Actions #8

Updated by arnova over 14 years ago

BombBloke, can you have a look at this?

Actions #9

Updated by paybac over 14 years ago

I will add that i am running a PAL Xbox in NTSC in 720p. I also just switched it back to PAL and ran the plugins again. Same error.

Actions #10

Updated by buzz over 14 years ago

Ignore my previous comment. i hadn't noticed that the resolution is used in the paths.

Actions #11

Updated by arnova over 14 years ago

Hopefully fixed in r30567. Please report back.

Actions #12

Updated by paybac over 14 years ago

Due to missing skin textures in 30569 it makes this very difficult to navigate a skin. First try it wouldnt add plugins just not sure why. Will keep trying to see if they work but cant report anything at this stage.

Spoke with a script guy at XBMC (Malte) and he said there were some changes in Dharma which meant he had to modify his script. Not sure if that pertains to this problem or not? Maybe the patch was fine just the script guys needed to update?

Actions #13

Updated by paybac over 14 years ago

Plugins and Scripts are working fine now, tested with Rom Collection Browser, Zone Installer and notepad.

Actions #14

Updated by arnova over 14 years ago

Please test again with r30570 since I modified the Python code again...

Actions #15

Updated by arnova over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #16

Updated by arnova over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • Resolution set to fixed
Actions #17

Updated by paybac over 14 years ago

Tested, Fixed, Thanks arnova


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