


Bug #358 » Builtins.cpp.variantB.patch

dandar3, 10/10/2016 10:21 PM

View differences:

xbmc/interfaces/Builtins.cpp (working copy)
// ask if we need to check guisettings to resume
bool askToResume = true;
// Resume? (init)
int videoResume = g_guiSettings.GetInt("videoplayer.resumeautomatically");
// Params...
for (unsigned int i = 1 ; i < params.size() ; i++)
if (params[i].Equals("isdir"))
g_settings.m_bStartVideoWindowed = true;
else if (params[i].Equals("resume"))
// force the item to resume (if applicable) (see CApplication::PlayMedia)
item.m_lStartOffset = STARTOFFSET_RESUME;
askToResume = false;
videoResume = RESUME_YES;
else if (params[i].Equals("noresume"))
// force the item to start at the beginning (m_lStartOffset is initialized to 0)
askToResume = false;
videoResume = RESUME_NO;
else if (params[i].Left(11).Equals("playoffset="))
item.SetProperty("playlist_starting_track", atoi(params[i].Mid(11)) - 1);
if (!item.m_bIsFolder && item.IsPlugin())
item.SetProperty("IsPlayable", true);
if ( askToResume == true )
// Resume automatically (if the case)...
if (videoResume == RESUME_YES)
// force the item to resume (if applicable) (see CApplication::PlayMedia)
item.m_lStartOffset = STARTOFFSET_RESUME;
// Ask to resume...
else if (videoResume == RESUME_ASK)
if ( CGUIWindowVideoBase::OnResumeShowMenu(item) == false )
return false;
if (item.m_bIsFolder)
CFileItemList items;
return -1;
return 0;