Feature #293
closed7 Day Weather Forecast
Currently the weather.cpp fetches a 4 day forecast; however, by simply changing the dayf=4 parameter to dayf=7, then we will have a 7 day forecast.
The change would occur in weather.cpp line 117:
It also appears that we must change weather.h line 50:
FROM #define NUM_DAYS 4
TO #define NUM_DAYS 7
Updated by buzz almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to buzz
- Target version set to 3.5
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Resolution set to fixed
done in r32707. thanks for the changes.
Updated by dom-dxecutioner almost 11 years ago
- File screenshot031.jpg screenshot031.jpg added
- File screenshot032.jpg screenshot032.jpg added
Thanks BuZz! I might just stop moaning for 5 minutes or so... LOL
I just tested the new Win32 build and it works nicely; however, using Window.Property(Day0.OutlookIcon)
and Window.Property(Day0.FanartCode)
and Window.Property(Day0.Condition)
does not work; To be fair, I don't think this worked before either...
and Window.Property(Day0.LowTemp)
works just fine... I'll take a look at the code and create a bug ticket, if in fact it's a bug.