Bug #345
closedTMDB: Cast Images Not Scraping
After installing a clean copy of xbmc 3.5.1, i noticed that the actor's ( cast ) images were not being scrapped. I did a little digging and found that the tmdb.xml ( in the common folder ) was missing the image's url in the ParseTMDBCast function.
There are various image sizes that can be had, I've opted for the width = 185 (w185), but others are available; although i've never submitted a patch, here's my first try...
3 patches are attached, you can choose whichever one you find most appropriate for the xbox. Since there isn't heavy use of the actors, the quality does not have to be hi-res, but it's your choice.
Example Links:
w185: http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/f3c1rwcOoeU0v6Ak5loUvMyifR0.jpg
w300: http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300/f3c1rwcOoeU0v6Ak5loUvMyifR0.jpg
w500: http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/f3c1rwcOoeU0v6Ak5loUvMyifR0.jpg